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Lovely to meet you
Meet the face behind the posts
In 2015 this was the turning point of my awakening journey.
With some relationship challenges, body and health issues you could say this really jolted me into action to seek out numerous modalities to assist me, from energy work to yoga and a multitude of other helpful body work options.
I love my journey and it has been very challenging at times and also very fun and I am now so honoured to be here for you to assist you on your journey.

Home: Welcome

"We came to your Earth because of Her Moon and the synchrony of regulating the women's cycles,
this is the ultimate balance."
~ Pleiadian Star Mothers

“Our life is shaped by our mind, for we become what we think.”
Moon Meditations
Flow with the Moon
"Love yourself, respect yourself, heal yourself and know who you are."
~ Lisa Clarke
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