Aquarius Moon
Our receptivity to receiving intuitive insights will be at a rise over the next couple of days, we may have a thought that just pops in our head for no apparent reason, if this happens take note and begin to make some profound changes as this is from a higher power and you never know where it will take you or the World.
All inventions came from a thought, here’s a look at some of the innovative inventions that changed the World
Aquarius is the sign of the visionary and is the last air sign in the zodiac which is receptive to new ideas, ruled by Uranus the great awakener to bring in revolutionary change in rebellious ways, rules are not one for this planet and can have surprising effects in ground-breaking ways.
Do be mindful of erratic and ungrounded behaviour and rebel just for the sake to be different over this time, nervousness and hypertension could be possible so spend some time outside with your feet on the earth to ground you, or eat more protein and make sure you get enough sleep.
Watch for ankle injuries and lower leg cramps so maybe an Epsom salts bath with lavender would soothe those legs and calm any tensions.
Alternately do consider a Reiki healing which is energy and is a perfect option to reduce any nervousness and body issues as it is for the mind, body and soul.
Contact me for an appointment
“Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity – not a threat.’ ~ Steve Jobs
