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Aquarius Moon

Aquarius Moon

In plain and simple terms ‘Save the Earth’ for the power is in our hearts to open to the love that is eternal, that is our truth, for humanity to change from past power struggles and hierarchies that have been detrimental to our existence now is the time to create with higher visions. Humanity can rise and generate new innovative ideas as we re-evaluate our beliefs and embrace our divine spiritual nature.

Great change is upon us as you make a choice and recognise what is out of balance in the structures of your lives and professional world affecting the very resources that sustain us. Rise to your intuitive insights as your passions and desires lead to progressive approaches. In any challenge with power struggles and hidden desires decisive decisions to your destined path are called for with detachment from any emotional drama.

Love and respect your divine feminine temple and accept yourself as you are and be mindful of any critical behaviour as others may pray on any fear that may show as a superiority. Watch for erratic behaviour and freak accidents and be mindful to take some time to spend grounding and connecting to our beautiful Mother Earth and honouring her for her love she gifts us all for this is our home.

In the expansion of your spiritual wisdom and your balance within feel your heart open to the bigger picture and visions of creating the New Lemuria for the power is within each and every divine being as free energy is ours to own and to create with. Move with the changes to create higher values in your material life with love and respect that change and cycles are a part of life.

As your past inner wounds trigger a healing crisis within find solace in healing those wounds with love and with an energy healer, a ShaWoman to assist in the release of what’s keeping your there for the deeper you go you will find the saboteur.

Open to the great power of spirit to unleash your drive and passions for the future is yours to create as you trust in your strong intuitive knowing of what is true and what is an illusion taking responsibility to uphold your boundaries in your endeavour to structure your life.

As a ShaWoman here to assist you in your healing journey I invite you to connect with me for your loving healing appointment:

11/11 A Time of Sacred Expansion a beautiful one day live gathering with Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and the wisdom of the Pleiadian Star Mothers gifting the gift of sisterhood and divine feminine wisdom, find out more here:

Open to the Magic and Mysteries of our beloved Grandmother Moon at this Taurus Partial Lunar Eclipse Full Moon:

In Person Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle:

Online Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle:

“Now, the special time of year: it’s hard to describe a society without a clock. Instead, you ladies felt it. You knew what to do. The cycles were the cycles. The cycles of birth are the cycles, and that seldom changed. But when it came to certain kinds of celebrations, it really was Gaia who dictated when it was time.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Toronto, Canada – February 13, 2016.

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