Aquarius Moon
In the open air breathe in the beautiful abundance of life giving codes of consciousness into every cell of your body, mind, heart and soul as you lovingly embrace your inner sanctuary hold visions of the New Lemuria for your soul growth deepens into the hidden power within revealing unconscious shadows surfacing with fiery intensity and challenges arising shedding the old childhood wounds of the past making way for birthing the new, respect your sacred divine feminine temple and innate feminine gifts in service to humanity connect to the love of the Dragon within open your heart with a compassionate loving presence as you feel into your intuition open to receive quick flashes of incoming information and insights, staying aware of new ideas and innovative solutions flowing into your consciousness.
As you feel the change in the air let any dug in heals to be released for the change may feel challenging in the moment steady yourself into the balance of the sacred feminine and the sacred masculine in your heart expanding into your values and openness in conversations communicating your truth with higher perspectives being mindful of gossip and shallow detachment in relationships take care not to oversimplify complexities which could involve finances and love interests as greater clarity is experienced express your individuality and uniqueness freely as your natural leader qualities shine as decisions and courage for commitments are called for knowing your interests and what stimulates your mind in fun and effervescent ways be open to variety and new experiences but watch for boredom and putting your eggs in too many baskets and spreading yourself too thin.
Stay open to forward progression with a focused poise and worthiness for your unique characteristics keeping emotional drama at bay through challenging encounters and resistance to change as sudden jolts shake up the comforts of material possessions and foundations you are established upon activating the spiritual warrior in you with courage and drive as your independent fire within gains self-mastery and wisdom embrace and love yourself for who you are with healthy boundaries and an open mind with respect for equality and everyone’s freedoms.
Forgive yourself and others of undervaluing who you are as you understand your suffering has come from your childhood and past wounds allow your inner child’s needs love and support reconciling victimhood and self-sabotage respecting your true worth and beautiful divine feminine gifts of creation uphold healthy boundaries as you open to the vastness of free energy generating your loving power within through your capacity of higher love connection feel into your passions and drive as you strive for the ideals of a humanity connected in love and equality not war and destruction as challenges shake the imbalances to the core of existence.
Are you here for change? Open to the Pleiadian teachings for the New Consciousness in The Shamanic Teaching Wheel: discover more here:
Transform with the wisdom of the “Dragons of Mu” on a powerful loving journey for your soul:
Allow the love of Universal Life Force Energy into your body, heart, mind and spirit to gently heal from your past:
“Imagine tonight when you are looking at the Moon or perhaps standing under it somewhere you feel that she is giving you a gift. Now you do not have to know specifically what it is. Your mind will want to ask, of course. We know. But you do not need to know. Trust that you are receiving a gift and that you are worth it, that you have value, dear Shining One. When you receive that value from the Moon, from the Star Mothers, that value goes into your heart and comes back out in waves to all life around you, all of life, your work, the people around you, your home, your family, your pets, your food. Open this portal in the top of your head that comes right into your pineal and creates a pathway down to your hear and down through our belly, your hips, your feet into the Earth and imagine and feel – we hope you are feeling outside under the Moon – that generous light pouring on you giving you, giving you, giving you her gifts, because she is there. She spins around this planet because she loves you.” ~ Excerpt from Star Mother channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, December Full Moon Lemurian Lunation, December 30th, 2020.
