Aries Full Moon
We see the Moon at night, we see her through the day as she moves through her cycles. We may not really know the power she has to assist us in our lives.
The Full Moon may bring us some more intense times as she is at her most out there phase.
Aries Full Moon is happening on Thursday 21st October, 2021 at 1.56am Sydney time here in Australia and we may experience some impulsive actions and anger may surface around us in our partnerships and relationships, we may be ignorant to see another’s point of view.
When we slow down and calm our hot-headedness and realise life is not a race or a competition we can take a look at how we have been in our own lives and how we have affected those around us, our partners and our friends.
Have I been to headstrong, competitive and selfish?
Have I been reckless in my decisions?
Have I been to impatience and angry?
Have I spent to much of my life being to serious?
Have I had enough fun in my life?
Have I found my creative spark within me?
Have I been honest and authentic with myself and in my relationships?
Have I been self-directed and inspiring?
We can use the magic of the Full Moon to release any karmic energy we have brought into our lives and free up an energetic space within us through forgiveness, to forgive ourselves, to forgive those that we feel have hurt us in some way.
Being in a state of gratitude and appreciating all of what we have and the people we have in our lives changes our state of being, our own vibration begins to raise in its frequency, attracting more positive people and situations.
How can I do this you might ask?
On the night before the Moon turns Full and the time will be different in each city, visit for the time in your city, grab yourself a piece of paper and a pen and prepare for a beautiful Karmic and Forgiveness Ceremony.
Go to a quiet place and light a candle and ask for your higher self to anchor in your physical body to assist you. Write down all of the situations, beliefs and upsets that have happened in the last month or in your life, then write down all of the people that have hurt you or done or said something and even forgive yourself for all of those thoughts, words and actions you have placed on yourself. You may wish to write ‘With the glorious energy of the Full Moon I now allow all karma to be released, I forgive myself for all I have brought up me, I forgive everyone for all they have done to me, I forgive all of my past and my present that needs forgiveness in all times, space and realities. Through Love I am healed and Love heals my life, the Universe is Love. It is done, it is done, it is done.’
Now it’s time for your Gratitude Ceremony, grab another piece of paper and write down everyone, everything that you are grateful for in your life. You may wish to write ‘I am Love, the Universe is Love and I am blessed in my life as I live with Love in my heart.’
Now comes the fun part, take yourself outside if possible under the moonlight, with some matches and your Karmic Forgiveness Ceremony list and our Gratitude list, make sure you are in a safe place to burn your lists, either in a fire pit or in a clear space away from anything that might catch alight and allow the energy of the Moon to assist in this process to release now for your highest good.
Have a wonderful Full Moon and live your life with Love in your heart.
