Aries Moon
After the last couple of days where we may have been feeling our emotions and going deep within we can now feel inspired for some get up and go.
Let’s use these couple of days to begin new things, maybe we have a burning desire for making a change in our lives and to bring some more fun and excitement if life has been a bit dull.
If we have an inspiring passion that has been ignited within us now may be the time to start a creative endeavour and allow our inspirations to lead us now.
Fear may be stopping us but if we feel the fear and just do it anyway who knows where our life will lead us. Have fun along the way, explore and be curious and just make life an adventure.
We may feel the need for asserting our independence and to be self-directed and more motivated if we have felt hemmed in in any way.
Authenticity and honesty with ourselves and with others will certainly be favoured as when we are truthful and acknowledge this within ourselves we will be free of the hold it may have on us.
Shadow traits may be triggered if we have shut them down and may show up as anger and frustration, and we may be impatient with others so do be aware if this is happening with us or around us.
We can use our energy in safe ways and to not harm others by releasing any pent up anger through exercise, using a punching bag or going for a run to burn off the excess energy.
Reiki and the Women’s Red Tent Circles may be another option to help work through any inner issues
‘Become the person you were meant to be, light your inner fire and follow your heart’s desire.’ ~ Leon Brown
