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Aries Moon


Aries Moon

An all inspiring energy to get up and take action in our lives as we will feel more energy with the waxing moon and this fire sign bringing in an extra push for us. We may be challenged if we are feeling frustration in our situations or if we feel we have outgrown something in our lives.

Do assert our independence and take a leap of faith and trust in what inspires us and use our creativity with fun and excitement.

If we are feeling fear around moving forward be the hero and face any danger head on with love in our hearts to do what is right and authentic for ourselves.

Be alert for aggressive behaviour and any anger over the next couple of days, take some time to release any pent up energy in safe ways as to not harm ourselves and anyone around us by going out for a run or dynamic dance to allow our bodies to process the emotions we have suppressed.

Maybe try some energy healing such as Reiki to calm and soothe the mind, body and the soul

‘All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.’ ~ Walt Disney

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