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Cancer Moon


Cancer Moon

Calmness and a caring nature will definitely help us get through this watery and possibly emotional time as we flow through the energies of the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Cancer, click the link for the time in your city

The most comforting thing is our ability for growing through any emotional time as when we learn to be responsible for our own emotional reactions we begin to gain maturity and an understanding of our emotions at a deeper level an why they have surfaced.

Our needs for taking care of ourselves might be highlighted so do take some time out for nurturing and comforting number one and it is most important to feel safe in our environment and feel loved. We may even be thinking of our past and re-living it and it’s great to remember the good times and the not so good times might just pop in to, but in knowing our thoughts create our reality just consider what is being projected into our future.

If we are feeling unloved in any way our environment will reflect that to us, growing up we may not have had that love and nurturing we were seeking from our mother or mother figure and our needs were not met, we didn’t know how to meet those needs and our caretakers were doing the best they could.

This is a wonderful opportunity for some inner work and healing to let our inner child in on some much need love and comfort. Take some time in a quiet comfortable place and go within, go and spend some time with your younger self and chat to them and ask what they need from you right now. They are a part of us and we can have a good loving relationship with our inner child we just have to allow it.

Could you use some inner love to help heal any wounds you are still carrying from the past? Contact me for a Reiki Energy Treatment and allow love to heal you.

‘I believe that this neglected, wounded, inner child of the past is the major source of human misery.’ ~ John Bradshaw

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