Capricorn Moon
Our physical security and our structures we have put in place for our future may be challenged as we strive to take step by step efforts to build on something that will have a strong foundation moving forward.
Take a disciplined approach that supports our growth and get organised as our ambitions will lead us now. Get together and connect with others for a team’s effort and use resources that are there to assist in building on what has been started.
Old outworn ways of doing things can be let go of now but do respect traditions and what you value. Rigidity will not be very helpful so if this is the case ask why am I feeling this way, there may be an underlying cause.
Our childhood and what our relationship with our father was like may have an effect on our life to this day as our unconscious mind couldn’t process whether what was experienced was right or not.
Are you ready for releasing the old beliefs that may be unconsciously controlling your life? Contact me for a Reiki appointment to assist releasing the underlying causes:
Ancient traditions from Lemuria are here now for our remembrance for the new consciousness, take a look here:
‘When children don’t feel respected by the decisions of their parents, their beliefs about how they are valued are crushed.’ ~ Bruce Perry
