Gemini Moon
Balancing our masculine and feminine, our yin and our yang and finding this balance within ourselves will be challenged now.
Connecting with our feminine selves whether male or female asks us to go within and trust our intuition and our connection with our heart and soul, to slow down and be receptive to spirit, and our masculine selves whether male or female asks us to use our rational mind, our intellect and to communicate and interact in the physical with others.
As we communicate and network with others can we use our thinking in a balanced way or not, and we may be presented with an opportunity to see which one we may be denying in ourselves. Our aim for our head and our heart is to be balanced in our rational mind and in our heart and then we can communicate and live our lives with that balance which assist us in seeing others points of view.
Communication is the flavour of the next couple of days and our lungs, shoulders, arms and fingers will be playing up if we have denied and ignored our shadow traits. Some of these shadow traits are being judgemental of ourselves and others, being petty and a gossip and exaggerating the truth. We all have these traits within us and when we can acknowledge them we will no longer allow them to have control over us, but we may also require energy healing as a means to dissolve the underlying root cause of these traits, which will be a godsend for ourselves as the energy will no longer be there.
Contact me for your Reiki healing
‘Countless words count less than silent balance between yin and yang.’ ~ Laozi