Leo Moon
Feel the beautiful sun shining down on your heart and soul as you express your vibrant soul out to the world. Step into your brilliance as you love yourself unconditionally for you have come a long way from your past and have healed a mountain of distortions to help set you free.
Some challenges may be laid on your path that need attention so let your ego and dominating traits that shroud your true light be set aside to open your heart and to trust in your beautiful feminine essence to lead you forward.
As you face any fears with courage and with gentleness any dramas can be dealt with in kindness but with conviction to express from your heart your passions that will lead and guide you to your true north. Allow for the seeds of change to take place as sudden realisations and new ideas come in for bringing more harmony and beauty to the pleasures and quality of your life that depends upon these now to create our new Lemuria.
Inspire others with your loving generous heart and with steady thoughtful communications for all your words create your life in every moment and in every moment there is a choice to how that creation takes place.
Gift your heart and soul the beautiful energy of Reiki helping to open to the love of your true soul: https://www.lisaclarke.com.au/services-and-booking
Lead from the heart as a Shawoman in the beautiful presence of the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele'ha Wo’f and Kryon: https://lemurian-shamanism-school.teachable.com/p/leading-from-the-heart-of-the-shawoman?affcode=365530_tx7lk12y
“Don’t miss out on something that could be great just because it could also be difficult.” ~ Unknown
