Leo Moon
Standing in the presence of our hearts expression and our inner passions over the next couple of days as the Moon wanes in Leo lead with our heart knowing our true value and feminine beauty to rise with courage letting go of any fear of opposing forces as our hidden powers from our past that are deep in the shadows and are ready to be released and shown love.
Our creative gifts and passions lead us to creating our lives with joy and enthusiasm that which sustains us in appreciative and determined ways and as others may pray on any weaknesses take care not to shy away of being our most determined heartfelt divine spiritual selves.
Enjoy the journey of feeling our heart expand into the vastness of our spiritual essence as spirit guides us to re-discover our core spiritual truths to create with those choices that are sparking a fire within to live fully from our heart.
Take care of our heart and our self-directed drive leading us towards our dreams as any destructive fiery dramas and challenges may spark up through dominating and controlling ways from others challenging our direction.
In any sudden and unexpected events in our physical lives we are given the gift of seeing things from a higher perspective as breakthrough or breakdown allows anything not of love to be re-defined for freedom of our hearts truth and expression.
As we move towards Dark/New Moon in Virgo releasing and healing our past hurts that have been unconsciously creating our lives from a wounded place is favourable and take our time to slow down a little to value ourselves and our hearts desires as we lean towards living our lives in alignment with spirit, our beloved Pleiadian Star Mothers and through our precious hearts.
I invite you to join together in love and support through sisterhood this Dark/New Moon and live in alignment with our beautiful creative loving nurturing Grandmother Moon:
In person Women’s Red Tent Circle Dark Moon in Virgo: https://fb.me/e/4kKEecA52
Online Women’s Red Tent Circle New Moon in Virgo: https://fb.me/e/2p5WpgbnP
Awaken you Akash with the beautiful Lemurian Activation Code Cards: https://bit.ly/LemurianActivationCodeCards
‘No matter what is going on outside, the test of the times is for you to be on the inside in a fearless, courageous, creative and compassionate place. For this is what moves humanity through its fears. And it only takes one of you, as you know, to bring light to a very dark area.’ ~ Excerpt from Pleiadian Star Mothers channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, January New Moon Portal to the Star Mothers, January 14, 2021.
