Leo Moon
Can you feel the radiating energy as the Moon moves into Leo and heading to Full in a couple of days, take a look when it is Full in your city https://mooncalendar.astro-seek.com/full-moons-new-moons-2022
As the brightness inspires us to lead with our hearts let’s enjoy and have fun on the sand carving love into our world and celebrate who we are and those around us shining our inspired soul gifts to all.
It is a big energy and one where we can celebrate our life and bring more love and appreciation to who we are and to allow our determination for living life large with generosity and kindness.
Love is in the air this month so be a romantic at heart and shower or bathe yourself and your lover with love, allow love to wash over you, take a rose petal bath with rose oil and light some candles put on some sensual music and set the mood. Our love for ourselves is most important and this is where our inner world will reflect in our outer world.
It’s now time for inspired action to let go of any fear that may be holding us back, to be courageous and be that leader just like the lion with his courage and pride, so take some of his strength to move forward in our lives.
Our mind may have something to tell us now if our heart is shut off or wounded and we have a disconnection as our head is overpowering our heart, this may show up as addictive behaviours to drama or overbearing and dominating others or wanting to be the centre of attention.
Our wounds may be coming out of the shadows for us to recognise and to become aware of them so we can make a decision whether to heal from them or not, it is truly up to us in our decisions of how we create our reality, our heart is in the spotlight and any chronic ailments showing up are a sign from our body to take note of and respond in kind.
I can help you with the loving energy of Reiki to help heal your heart https://www.facebook.com/lisaclarke.visionary/services/?ref=page_internal
‘Life is from the inside out. When you shift on the inside, life shifts on the outside.’
~ Kamal Ravikant
