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Leo Moon


Leo Moon

Ignite that spark that is inside now as we have the Moon giving us a push towards our creative expressions to be seen and appreciated in this world as she heads towards Full on the 18h March Sydney Australia time, click here for the time in your city

It’s facing any fears that may be placed in our way and having the courage to lead the life we know is the one that brings us joy and fun while we live it. It’s living life with enthusiasm and determination and knowing we can achieve anything we set our mind to but also knowing that it’s truly the spark in our hearts that is leading the way.

Leadership and entrepreneurship may be a path that is enjoyable and allows for a life of appreciation for the services offered to others. We can celebrate and appreciate ourselves and others gifts and talents as we all have something to offer each other.

Do have some fun and make life interesting, if it feels good organise a dress up party or a dinner party with games and be the entertainer of the evening, bring some entertainment into our lives.

Watch for the head over powering the heart and any egotistical ways showing up and being self-centred and after all of the attention… me me me… mentality. Drama may be a drawing card so be mindful if that is a magnet and ask why is this attractive to me.

Chronic ailments may show up as signals in our body alerting us to pay attention to them and seek some help in soothing them, some of these may be conditions with the heart, spine and spinal column.

Allow me to give your heart, mind, body and spirit some love with Reiki, contact me to make your appointment today

‘The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen nor touched… but are felt in the heart.’ ~ Helen Kellar

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