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Leo Moon

Leo Moon

Light up your life, live life with joy and love in your heart, shine and sparkle your brilliant self out in the world for we are here for a good time and to enjoy ourselves, this is our birthright. Be a leader by inspiring others expressing your hearts inspirations with a playful outgoing approach.

Are there some creative passions you have been contemplating or working on?

As we are in an expanding energy with the New Moon in Gemini just past and the Moon is waxing this is the time for creating and using our inspirations and our gifts for making this world go around. We all have beautiful gifts we have been bestowed with to be appreciated and to be expressed and maybe you have started something that lights you up. This is now the time to keep going as you find your courage to overcome any fear that may be under the radar.

Live with an open heart and allow generosity and love into your life. Let’s celebrate life and don’t allow others to put that inner spark out with any drama coming from the ego as you know what it is that inspires you. Change any fear into curiosity and find your courage to live the life you wish to live.

Allow the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Mele’ha and Kryon to assist you in your life

Connect with me, I’d love to here from you

‘Your inner spark never dies. Quiet your mind enough to feel it again. Once you do, it will begin to ignite.’ ~ Doe Zantamata

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