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Libra Moon


Libra Moon

All of our relationships will be the centre of attention over the next couple of days asking us what may be out of balance and we have the opportunity to communicate through looking at the situation from both sides, both views and in keeping a level head and some calmness we may just come to find some peace in our lives.

In understanding through love for one another and knowing we all have our own mistakes we have made, when we can respect and come from a balanced perspective and allow our head and our hearts to work together and not let the emotions take over we can be in a better space for communication.

Respecting each other’s views and needs and working together, breaking things down into small bite size steps to achieve our goals and plans we can achieve fair and just outcomes for all and strive for interdependence.

If we do find we are struggling with any indecision we may not be listening to our heart for our true knowing and begin to over-analyse our situations leading to feel immobilised and not act on anything.

Be mindful not to overlook our own needs by focusing on others more than ourselves as this leads to resentment, we must love and respect ourselves and our needs and when we can do this we begin to teach those around us to do the same and then we can love one another in a balanced state.

Can I help you balance your life through Reiki to help bring love and joy back to you?

Or maybe you would love to have a community of loving women to support you through your life by sitting in circle at The Women’s Red Tent[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22page%22%7D]%7D

‘There is a fine balance between honouring the past and losing yourself in it. For example, you can acknowledge and learn from mistakes you made, and then move on and refocus on the now. It is called forgiving yourself.’ ~ Eckhart Tolle

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