Libra Moon
Balance is called for now in our relationships and partnerships as we move through the next couple of days. We may be feeling a bit of tension as the Sun in Capricorn & Moon in Libra are at a square.
Our need for peace and love will be called for and we may be presented with something in our relationships that we need to go over again to be re-evaluated or someone from our past could come back for resolution of some past dealings to be sorted out and dealt with before the New Moon in Capricorn on the 2nd or 3rd of January 2022, find the time in your city
We may need to consider every viewpoint of any issue that may arise and to see things from both sides. Negotiations through a level head and non-violent communication to come to agreements will definitely assist in future harmony.
Indecisions may surface if we are over analysing the details or we may be manipulative and passive aggressive as a way to get our own needs met rather than being assertive and acknowledging any feelings of frustrations and anger.
Our body may be alerting us to any chronic ailments from shadow traits that we have suppressed due to any fear that our mind has led us to over time showing up as issues with our kidneys, adrenals and urinary tract, we may also experience issues with our ovaries and metabolism.
Do consider Reiki for a balanced heart, soul and body coherence and calming the mind.
‘Don’t pursue a heart that you’re not ready to be loyal to.’~Trent Shelton
