Libra Moon
Over the next couple of days there may be a need to find balance in our lives, in our relationships in particular and to strive for harmony and peace with a calm and level head.
If our relationships have been out of balance and one sided now is a wonderful time to negotiate in a way where we can see any issues from both sides and achieve outcomes where we have a win/win solution in non-violent ways.
If there has been any injustice and unfairness in our relationships we may feel the need for righting any wrongs, so consider approaching the situation with love and extending the olive branch and making peace with any situations as this will allow any karmic hold on us to be released.
Allow the needs of ourselves to be respected and as we do this others may do the same, or if we are unconsciously living with our shadow traits we may overlook our own needs and focus on others before ourselves which leads to having resentment towards the other.
Chronic ailments may show up over this period in our body to alert us to any underlying stuck emotions we have shut down so do take notice of our body and what it is trying to communicate to us, they may show up as kidney issues, urinary tract issues, in our reproductive system and in our metabolism.
Shadow work and energy medicine such as Reiki can do wonders for our entire body, mind and our spirit so do consider these modalities to help bring balance back.
Check out my Reiki treatments on Facebook
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‘When our life is out of balance we have stress! Balance in your life does bring less stress to your life!’ ~ Catherine Pulsifer
