Libra Moon
Can you feel the love in the air asking to find balance in ourselves and in our lives to allow us to live from a place of love?
We may be feeling up in our heads and a bit on edge as we move through the energies of the Full Moon in Virgo and now continuing into the air sign of Libra. Know that coming back to earth by grounding and being in nature will be a must now, and bring our heads into our hearts with the beautiful energies of Libra ruled by the loving planet of Venus.
As we enter the Sun in Aries it’s the beginning of a new cycle moving around the astrological wheel as new beginnings may present themselves, and the Full Moon may shine a light on the shadows that are still within us to be revealed for healing.
With all things guiding us to love and being equal and in balance in our relationships we may have some kind of a situation alerting us to what is out of balance.
When we can calm our thoughts and come back to a heart space coherence and breathe into our heart we can then allow any communication the balance required for equal and cooperative engagement and see each other’s views for an outcome that will be fair and just for both.
Any unbalance in our relationships may lead us to being passive aggressive and quietly resenting the other as our thoughts may over power our heart. We may even neglect our own needs to appease the other as to feel we are giving our love to feel loved but know that when we love ourselves first and fill our own cup we can then be in a place of giving and receiving equally.
Our sacral chakra may be playing up and giving us signs that we have neglected our own self-love so if this is happening for you I would love to assist you in clearing anything that may be showing up for you…
Make an appointment with me for a Reiki energy healing to go to the cause of anything in your energy body ready to be healed or
‘The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.’ ~ Helen Keller
