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What are those things that keep mirroring back to you?

Do you have the same person doing the same things or other people come into your life and the same things keep happening?

As we live our lives and we are faced with difficult people and difficult situations this is definitely challenging for us all.

Each person and those people that come and go in our lives are our teachers and are there for us to learn our lessons we have created for ourselves.

We may not really realise we have created these situations and struggles for ourselves, and it may be from our childhood, from events and our upbringing we have experienced or it may have come from our past lives.

When we begin to understand that we come into this life to learn lessons and to heal from the karma we have created we can look at our situations and the people from a different perspective.

It is quite a challenge for sure but when we know that we can heal from this through living our experiences and facing the situations and asking ourselves what are they trying to tell me, what is it that I need to know from this situation, until we are aware and acknowledge what it is they are mirroring back to us we will keep experiencing the same.

We can make this process a lot easier through having energy work, through Reiki healing as the energy that is connected to the situation is healed and dissolved which lessens the intensity of the situations presented to you.

We then will not have the same frequency of the person or situation and when presented with the same situation we will not respond or react in a way that will keep the energy connected to it, it is not there anymore therefore there is not the energy pull to keep you experiencing it.

Is there something in your life mirroring back to you that keeps repeating?

Contact me for a Reiki healing treatment

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