Pisces Full Moon
As loving compassion of the sacred divine feminine shines a light into our lives the love we truly hold in our hearts as spiritual beings here on our beautiful Mother Earth living through expanding into our magnificent mystical selves holds the energy of our eternal passage of time as we move with the flow of our endings and our beginnings.
Honouring our spirituality as our heightened intuitive awareness becomes illuminated our sacred vessel opens to realisations of what is no longer healthy in our lives and serving our highest good. Our emotional sensitivities and feelings will have significance in our environment and in our relationships in every way, our food, brash energies of others, to sound and external allergens will be more noticeable and as we respect and honour them we open to our extra-sensory perceptions in beautiful ways.
With changes taking place in the duality of life we bring the mystical and the mundane together finding our balance to live and ground this new reality into a stable existence. Being in a space of forgiveness from our past karmic patterns we can now let go and move on to creating our dreams that we are feeling so strongly in our hearts.
As we move with the gentle flow of our psychic nature nurture our inner being and love our human as we trust in the changes taking place in our physical lives and the messages coming through directing us to our dreams.
Losing our own identity through not loving who we truly are as spiritual beings having a human experience and feeling the victim in our relationships is due to living our lives in fear and having a lack of boundaries for our own loving needs, so let’s let the fear subside and be the love we wish to see in our own lives for only then will we live in love.
With the loving energy of Reiki infuse your mind, heart, body and soul with Love. Book your appointment here with me:
In person Reiki Treatment: https://www.lisaclarke.com.au/service-page/reiki-healing
Online Reiki Treatment: https://www.lisaclarke.com.au/service-page/reiki-healing-online
Be guided by the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and Kryon in this beautiful teachings to lead from the heart as a ShaWoman: https://bit.ly/heartleadingshawoman_LSS
Are you being guided by your intuition to the teachings and remembering’s from Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, the Pleiadian Star Mothers & Kryon? Find out more here: https://bit.ly/LemurianShamanicTeachingWheel
‘Let us shine this moonlight and do some heart surgery on you so that you begin to see the world through that beam of your heart that is full, that you shine from a place of fullness, not need, not lack, not less than, a place of fullness, a place that is inside, that is like the hub of a wheel and the rest of you revolves around it.’ ~ Excerpt from December 28, 2020 December Full Moon Lemurian Lunation channelling from the Star Mothers. https://www.shamanicteachingwheel.com/sme-december-28-2020-december-full-moon-lemurian-lunation
