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Pisces Moon


Pisces Moon

Oh such a compassionate, kind and loving time for us all as we have a beautiful opportunity to find that love and compassion within ourselves as this is a wonderful trait of Pisces.

We also have our dream states amplified so do take notice of any dreams that occur over the next couple of days as they may have some type of meaning for us in our life, maybe start a dream diary and journal our dreams for further insight.

As the last sign of the zodiac wheel this time asks us to sit in quiet solitude to reflect and review in the stillness and gain wisdom and insight on our life as our choices through cause and effect, our karma has taught us our lessons and to now maybe make different choices and not keep repeating them over and over or we may even repeat them if we are not receptive to our intuition.

We will be more receptive to our intuition and the mystical side of our nature with taking some time out each day to connect to our inner world, so maybe allow for some time in quiet solitude to take a journey to the higher realms for connecting with soul and with our hearts.

Be aware of our feelings now as our sensitivities are amplified and our environments if they are harsh or we have people around us that may display harsh energies will definitely affect us, so allow for safe boundaries for taking care of our own energy, we can do this by asking our higher self to place a white light bubble around us and imagine this bubble of protection around our energy field and state to only allow love and light to penetrate and permeate.

Do watch for shadow traits by feeling like the victim of our circumstances for we only attract that which we are reflecting, and when we can begin to recognise we are not a victim and transcend our karma we will be free of it.

Find the time of the moon in Pisces in your city

Can I help you with Reiki for any patterns you may be repeating

‘Until you have compassion, you can not recognise love.’ ~ Bob Thurman

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