Pisces Moon
We are gifted with the chance to let go of our old karmic patterns that we may have been going over and over like the cogs on the wheel and feel we just can’t get off. Our opportunity now is to come into our hearts and to have compassion for each other and ourselves as we have all been down the karmic road on that wheel.
What is it that is keeping us there?
Can we find the saboteur within ourselves?
Are we feeling the victim in our circumstances?
Can we have a compassionate heart and an understanding of a deeper soul experience and not just a surface level experience of how our past has shaped our future, our now moments. Now is the time of reflection and connecting with our psychic senses in stillness so we can allow for a clear vision of what is true for us, and if it is doesn’t seem clear just allow the Universe in to assist in guiding us in the right direction.
Our relationships may be challenging over this Moon cycle highlighting any karmic baggage that needs to be released to free us up for the New Moon in Aries just around the corner. We have come to an end of a cycle ready to begin a new.
Join our next Women’s Red Tent Circle to allow our hearts, mind and body the rest and reflection they deserve, there are two events I am offering, this event is in person https://fb.me/e/biOGBcbGo and this event is online https://fb.me/e/1m7WauvuK
You may be ready for some extra love for your mind, body, heart and spirit with a caring Reiki Energy Treatment with me, book here https://www.facebook.com/lisaclarke.visionary/services/?ref=page_internal
‘You get what you give, because what goes around always comes around! It’s a little thing called KARMA.’ ~ Buddha
