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Pisces Super New Moon

Pisces Super New Moon


Standing in the presence of Mother Earth leading into the darkness of the moon open and surrender to the mysteries of the limitlessness of the cosmos feeling into your inner awareness as you explore your sensitivities, reflection into your past gifts you an understanding of a compassionate forgiving heart flowing into your values of loving relationships and friends in community that feel connected to your soul let go of any victimhood and martyrdom taking responsibility for your own spiritual accountabilities moving into the New Moon.


With boundaries permeable listen to your innate intuitive feelings as the expanses between honouring your sacred divine temple as a vessel for spirit taking back your divine feminine power and losing your own identity through another in violation of your divinity express yourself honouring your imperfections yielding your worth and divine gifts you hold within you unapologetically.


As the Super New Moon melds with higher consciousness go within to discover the richness of your soul for under the surface your experience deepens as you honour your psychic sensitivity into the realms of extra-sensory perceptions opening to the wisdom of the ages feeling into your dreams and the expansiveness of abundant growth taking care of over-indulgences and materialism that are best reflected upon now for better choices.


In the flow of change cause and effect bring strong waves in relationships as the rush of sudden surprising realisations to break free from undesirable grips on money and possessions as anger with words that may shake foundations strive for a calmer approach trusting in your intellectual perception and first intuitive thoughts and ideas for your drive for freedom and to think and flow with conversations leading with inspired courage.


As we are in this together merge in the oneness of compassion as we endeavour to let go of the past to honour our own needs and our true identity moving and flowing making different choices releasing the need to find love outside of ourselves to open to the love that resides within us all.


Love and respect your sacred feminine divinity together in sisterhood in the darkness of the Pisces Super New Moon:  

In Person Women’s Red Tent Circle: 

Online Women’s Red Tent Circle: 


Journey with The Dragons of Mu immersing into ancient wisdom for your self-discovery with the sacred teachings from the Stars:


Evoke your Akashic memory with the sacred gift of encoded Star Activations from the Pleiadians long ago:


“You have had the “Dark Night of the Soul.” You have had the “Cave of Creation.” You have had the “Inward Journey,” perhaps the “Shadow Journey.” This is as it was planned, and you will be ready for the light – when you are ready for the light! Because, of course, the light is always there. It has not gone anywhere, even though you have been inside. This beautiful light has still been inside with you. Use this energy today. Use the portals that are being created all over the planet right now.” ~ Excerpt from Star Mother channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, May New Moon Portal to the Star Mothers – May 22nd, 2020.

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