In the depths of the muddy bottom of the water the roots of the Lotus Flower take their place, the flower blossoms and rises above the water…
We may see this in Buddhism as a metaphor for our life as the mud is a representation of the suffering we face in our lives and the obstacles on our journey and the lotus flower symbolises our overcoming of these obstacles.
There is not one of us that has not had some sort of hardship, suffering and obstacles put upon our path for us to deal with in some way or another.
Knowing that these obstacles, sufferings and challenges are here for us to learn from and to begin to heal so we can blossom in our lives, somehow brings a certain understanding we have an option to continue on in our lives the same way or we know deep down there is another way we can manage our lives.
There are many options to take and one of these options is through energy healing, through the modality of Reiki.
Reiki is a very beautiful loving energy that assists our mental state, our body and our soul.
As we face our challenges over our life we take on energy into our energy field around our body and if we are unaware of this energy it then enters into our body, which goes into our chakra system and when this undesirable energy is left to its own devices it begins to manifest into dis-ease causing the bodies function to be imbalanced.
Reiki flows in and around the body and the chakra system and to the undesirable energy dissolving and disempowering it and enhancing the healthy energy assisting the natural flow of energy to be restored along with the health of the body, mind and soul.
‘The cure of the part should not be attempted without treatment of the whole. No attempt should be made to cure the body without the soul… this is the error of our day, that physicians first separate the soul from the body.’ ~ Greek philosopher Plato, 427 -347BC
Let me know if I can assist you
