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Sagittarius Moon


Sagittarius Moon

A big time now in our history as we have a Solar Eclipse in this wonderful fire sign of expansiveness giving us a huge opportunity to open up our lives to our true purpose we are here for on this beautiful Earth.

As the Moon moves between the Sun and the Earth we will experience a ring of fire and visible in the skies, we will be experiencing great change in our lives as the darkness of what is hidden will be revealed. We may have sudden experiences that will change our life, get us on our true paths and remove that which is no longer right for us now.

Our truth is within us and we have an eternal flame that wishes to be ignited so we can follow our true North and have a wonderful adventure on our journey, to live with joy and abundance and live with our hearts desires.

Change is upon us now so maybe this is your time to seek higher knowledge and take that leap of faith to be on the quest of your life….

As we learn through our experiences and challenges in our lives we become wiser and are able to then teach others through our life lessons and just maybe help to change someone’s life with our own knowledge.

Having a strong ethical foundation and seeking to learn philosophical teachings will allow us to move out of the lower chakras of survival and to begin to have faith in a higher power.

‘When you learn to survive without anyone, you can survive anything.’ ~ The Sculptress

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