Sagittarius Moon
Open your heart and take that leap of inspired action, that which is in your heart and excites you to keep your eternal flame burning from within. Keep your dreams and aspirations alive within you for your trust in the unknown may be challenged by others.
As you feel into your intuition take care of your own energy as everything may not be as it seems and keep the love alive in your heart, take responsibility for having healthy boundaries. Be the inspiration in your life as your foundations of having faith in the higher aspects of our truth directs you to greater experiences.
Shine your feminine power and beauty for all to see as you have been through a great healing journey to come back to finding your truth, your beauty and your most powerful sensual self. Don’t hide your beautiful soul away any longer and shed the old limiting distortions that may still remain with gentle ease and grace.
Teach others what you have learnt through your life’s lessons as your quest for life’s meaning has changed you in so many ways, share with your own love, compassion and vulnerability to assist in the most beautiful way.
In seeking and searching for more in your life, that exciting factor, keep in mind your responsibility to find that inner spark and keep it alight for when we rely on others to do that for us we may keep searching and searching as boredom may set in and we may struggle with addictions and illness which can show up in our hips and thighs, liver and arteries.
New beginnings are on the horizon and I invite you to be in a sacred space as we gather and awaken the Divine Feminine:
Experience a beautiful Star Centre Meditation bringing you into balance with the Pleiadian Star Mothers:
‘Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.’ ~ Oprah Winfrey
