Sagittarius Moon
Steady yourself, aim for the target and release that arrow with your eye on the prize… if you miss try again, and if you miss again, then keep trying, don’t give up… you know you can do it…. trust in your inner spark and that excitement in you for you know there is greater things ahead of you and all of your discoveries have led you to this point in time.
Open to the excitement of change and the release of deep karma over the next couple of days as you seek joy in life knowing your childhood limitations of the past have led you on the discovery of many spiritual teachings and higher learning offering a broader perspective on your journey.
Speaking your truth in any obstacle brings an awareness of your responsibility to keep your passions alive and to create from that eternal flame that just won’t go out… if boredom sets in and destructive addictions are present find means to ignite your spark again as commitment to your inner light will lead you on an adventure that lights you up.
Grounding your spiritual service and dreams into your physical life and your deep love for you and your divine feminine powers do take care of destructive and fiery interactions as others may be on a different path leading to change.
Lead into the expansiveness of your heart as communications are called to be fair and just and feel into your passions and desires as you trust in your truth in pursuing your goals as your dreams have been built on solid foundations. Your path forward calls to you as you open to your wild feminine nature holding strong boundaries for your divine energies.
I invite you to feel peace within in awakening your DNA as the Pleiadian Star Mothers merge with your Star Centres: find out more here:
Allow your body’s innate intelligence to free you from your past pains and suffering: book your appointment here: In person appointment:
Online appointment:
11/11 A Time of Sacred Expansion with Dr Amber Mele’ah Wolf sharing her wisdom and along with the Pleiadian Star Mothers’ wisdom in this sacred gathering: find out more here:
“So if you’re going to emulate this Lemurian past, I want you to try and remember what It’s like to feel full empowerment, and to know that you belong here, doing what you’re doing. Remember that it will not “upset the applecart” for you to find mastery. Listen: What women have that men don’t, is natural mastery and elegance.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona – January 16, 2016.
