Sagittarius Moon
Adventure may be on our minds and in our hearts and we may feel like our life just isn’t what we thought it would be. Is there a higher truth we may be missing and now time to explore further to discover those truths?
Is there a burning desire in our hearts wishing to expand our life by taking life on that next level and being adventurous, taking a risk and have new experiences that we truly feel excited about, what lights us up, maybe its traveling to wonderful places on our beautiful Earth, or exploring our true selves through higher learning the possibilities are endless…. It is truly what we feel in our heart, our soul that will guide us.
Action is key now so get up and get going if there is that passion to make a change as life has no remote, we must make that change for ourselves as no one else will do it for us.
Do take care as the fiery energy may lead to accidents so take a sensible approach by not jumping in before thinking of the consequences of our actions as cause and effect are in play always with the Universal energies, what goes around comes around.
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‘Your inner spark never dies. Quiet your mind enough to feel it again. Once you do it will begin to ignite.’ ~ Doe Zantamata
