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Scorpio Full Moon

Scorpio Full Moon


As you hover on the surface of your watery emotions allow yourself to go deeper into the depths of your subconscious as the emergence of the Full Moon’s growth begins to brightly shine in the sky  feel into your souls truth and your infinite soul as intensity heightens on the earthly plane for challenges seek out any hidden saboteur’s on a deeper level piercing and breaking through the illusions and falsehoods that have had a strong power over you trusting your psychic senses as you merge with spirit transforming through the intensity into a new consciousness to create greater awareness for your choices on a higher expansive level through your hearts knowing and the greater good.


Feelings of deep tension and domination may show as the shadows exert a deeper sense of powerlessness take this opportunity for finding a balance with your spiritual essence and emotional feelings to not cave in to the pressures owning your power within for opposing forces convey strong compulsive tendencies with your senses and sensual nature as external manipulative power issues reflect the inner landscape shaking foundations as you watch for compulsive behaviours of seeking quick pleasures in the moment in relationships keep your emotional sensitivities in check as you work on diffusing unhealthy addictions and escapism.


Devote precious time with Mother Earth grounding and stabilising into her supportive and loving abundant gems feeling into the value of the freedoms of your authenticity and divine truth honouring your self-worth and the value of abundant financial resources as changes take place feel into the washing away of your old identity and overpowering beliefs and authority conditioning to what is no longer flowing with you as your healing journey and self-mastery unearthing allows the truth to set you free opening space for your true self-expression and creative essence of a loving compassionate divine sacred being in your unapologetically imperfect innate divine feminine presence in loving service to the divine for humanities future.


Time and date of the Full Moon in your area:

Love and respect your authentic truth in the sacredness of sisterhood in Circle:

In Person Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle: 


A beautiful journey into The Shamanic Teaching Wheel with Pleiadian Teachings for the New Consciousness embrace the wisdom as a ShaWoman and wayshower in today’s changing times:


Lemurian Activation Code Cards encoded with the original Star Activations given as a sacred gift to humanity by the Pleiadians evoking your Akashic memory:


Love yourself through these changing times with the love of Reiki to soothe and bring balance to your mind, heart, body and spirit: book your appointment here:


Kryon, if you could give a marker of where we are now, how are we doing?” You wouldn’t be here right now with this channelling going on unless it were right where it belongs. There’ll come a time when you look back on this history and you will call this time the dark ages of enlightenment. And some of you know it. This is the time where the door is simply being opened slowly for the light of spiritual understanding. Here’s a term that may not translate correctly in all languages, but the time you are in now will come to be known as the age of conflicting monotheism. Everyone agrees there is one God. But no one agrees which one. That’s what you’re going to have to figure out next, and just as you look back on some of your history and see how that was solved, this one will be solved as well.” ~ Kryon live channelling “The History of Humanity” given in western Mediterranean Sea 8th Annual Kryon Cruise – August/September 2007.

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