Scorpio Moon
The Moon is presenting us with some challenging energies as we are at the third quarter phase of the moon and the emotional intensity we will be feeling deeply now as we may be at a cross roads and may need to make choices as our deep intense emotional experiences allow for transformation in ourselves and our lives.
Connecting with our true feelings from our heart and trusting in our physic perceptions as our senses will be heightened so do allow for merging with spirit and going deep into the subconscious to gain insight.
A powerful time for piercing any falsehoods, although do be mindful this may be painful in the process as the sting of the scorpions tail will pierce the illusions bringing truth and will set us free.
Any shadows that are in the murky depths of our subconscious may be ready to surface to be rid of them for good and these may be showing up as revenge, and manipulate others and use sexual energy to exert power over another.
Our shadows may be challenging for us but when we can acknowledge them they have less control over us allowing us to be our true selves.
Join our next Women’s Red Tent Circle and go deep with other women to transform your life
Release deep subconscious beliefs and blocks with Reiki
‘The most dangerous psychological mistake is the projection of the shadow onto others; this is the root of almost all conflict.’ ~ Carl Jung
