Sustain Your True Worth with Unconditional Love.
In the beauty of Gaia honour her in the stillness of your presence in the now. Find the pleasures in the simple things that light up your heart giving you the freedom to bless you, loving the forces of nature and temping you into the realms of unconditional love supporting your beauty and your true worth strengthening what you value that brings joy and sustainability building with the flow of your dreams. Value each moment presenting the chance for change from the habitual sources of unsustainable traditional values and old beliefs, deepening your connection to the higher forms of love and creative expressions exuberating your senses and your mind. Let your mind wander into the vastness of new ideas and conversations broadening your visions with excitement to grow and learn, open your heart dropping prejudices and jealousy in passionate relational debates reassessing strong emotional feelings where anger, envy and resentments may be stirring up from the past or your childhood. Shed what no longer serves you from lower hidden power struggles and scandalous secrets ushering in the golden age of equality and higher visions of personal and collective freedoms. Feel into your sacred feminine powers to find the courage and compassion for your own self-care in the bounds of compromise on balance and fairness for yours and your partner’s individuality and needs in your connections. Speak your truth with mindfulness of over exaggerating, triple checking what you wish to say from your heart before you spill out words you may regret practicing the need for healthy boundaries and not unconsciously be taken advantage of in the idealism of being swept off your feet.
Find Value in Your Freedoms and Inner Strength.
Encourage growth and support letting go of inner heaviness and low self-worth making steady changes you can manage with dedication releasing stubbornness and unhealthy addictions discovering new ways of progress and stability honouring your freedom. Take responsibility for a disciplined approach valuing your emotional and spiritual endeavours navigating the creations of your dreams becoming tangible with practical solutions into your reality, aiming higher each step you take with professionalism and a big heart leading you forward. Build on healthy loving growth nurturing your inner strength connecting to Mother Earth’s love never discounting your own intuition respecting your warm and kind-hearted nature. Develop discernment and healthy boundaries maintaining your independence showing compassion and forgiveness for all in service for the greater good resolving any relationship imbalances and inequality challenging the intricate web between the bounds of intimacy and sovereignty as tests ripple deeper into your ability to recognise possessiveness and dishonouring your feelings highlighting the values of heart centred connections underlining the depths of unresolved emotions connected to generational influences, bringing profound change from the extremes and intensity of deep obsessions surfacing alchemising the power of your awakening transforming revolutionary shifts for your forward direction into new connections of community and shared visions for the Next Lemuria.
“Dear shining ones, we step into this meeting with Mele’ha and we celebrate from our celestial space, beyond the orbit of your earth and moon. We celebrate with you from the stars. And yes, indeed, it is a time for you to come back to that power, that all-seeing, all-knowing power that you have within you. This is how you lived in Lemuria. You did not have books. You did not have watches and clocks as Mele’ha has said. You had the deeper connection, this vibrational connection that you were born into this temple of humanity and divinity. And the first lessons from us to you were the lessons of that inner knowing.” ~ Excerpt from Star Mother channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, January Full Moon Lemurian Lunation, January 10, 2020.
Let the Cancer Full Moon flow into your inner being nurturing your awakening journey:
In Person Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle:
Online Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle:
Create Sacred Relationships through the ancient teachings from the Star Mothers honouring your sacred feminine divinity:
#taurus #bull #venus #earth #thelover #masterbuilder #senses #sensualpleasure #joy #sustainable #growth #values #expression #practical #inflexible #stubborn #drama #lazy #hedonistic #possessive #moon #womensredtentcircles #lemuriansisterhoodglobal #thenextlemuria #pleiadian #starmothers #kryon #reiki #love #awakening