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Taurus Moon


Taurus Moon

Our love and pleasures for ourselves are coming back to earth to take a front seat as we sense our worth in this world. It’s a beautiful time for letting go of things that are not of love and allowing ourselves to know we are love and we are worth loving ourselves for who we are.

As the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus is upon us we may experience some big changes in our lives through the love and beautiful Venusian energy.

Slow down, enjoy our beautiful earth and all she gifts us, buy or pick some flowers to beautify our space, make some changes in how we care for ourselves, wear beautiful clothes and feel special in them, have a crystal energy healing, enjoy a sensual relaxing massage, do what makes us feel cared for and take care of our own needs in loving ways.

Our earthly needs are being challenged and our materialistic life shaken up and Taurus Moon is asking us for our values to be questioned.

What am I building that is of value?

What supports my growth and sustains me?

What am I stubborn about that stops my growth?

Do I envy others?

Do I use sensate pleasure to numb my feelings?

When a flower grows from a seed we see that it has to begin their life in the darkness and as it is nurtured, loved and gifted the water of life, we see it begin to sprout from the ground reaching for the Sun and eventually opening up into a beautiful blossom for all to see it beauty and enjoy the fragrance she offers.

We all can be nurtured, loved and gifted the water of life we just have to allow it to happen.

Are you ready to gift yourself with the love you need? I invite you to join our Women’s Red Tent Circle today in person:

Or tomorrow in our Online Women’s Red Tent Circle:

And go a bit further with that love for you with a beautiful Reiki healing:

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