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Virgo Moon


Virgo Moon

As the Moon wanes towards new, the light is minimising and we tend towards slowing down and going within.

Virgo is the sign of the Virgin which is someone who honours themselves as a sacred vessel for spirit to work through them, this is a natural state of being.

We may be receiving the nudges from our body, our inner knowing to make some changes in our diet, this allows our body to be clear to receive messages from spirit. The more we connect to the natural way of being, to the Earth and respecting our body through maybe a vegetarian or vegan diet or a detoxification, we feel more clearer and lighter in our body and one with everything.

Improvement is possible now not only on the health scene but also in our work. Organisation skills and attending to any details that may need a little tweak to bring more efficiency and attention to detail.

Maybe take a review of our work and our health and ask ourselves, ‘How effective has my service been?’ ‘Am I over servicing or am I finding a balance to serve others and myself equally?’

Nerves and anxiety could be a challenge as we may feel that things need to be perfect and we may even put pressure on ourselves and others so allow yourself some time out and create a sacred space where you can connect with the Earth or try a breathing technique to calm the nerves, do consider an energy healing, such as Reiki to relieve tension and anxiety on all levels of your body, mind and spirit.

‘The food you eat can be either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.’ ~Ann Wigmore

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