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Virgo Moon


Virgo Moon

We are handed so much abundance on this planet for our well-being and for living our lives connected to mother earth providing for us as we nurture life and create in ways that will bring much needed change.

In our physical lives we have created a disconnection to our spiritual selves and has led to a disconnection to the love we hold within us and the love of the universe, can we re-adjust our ways so we are more connected to spirit, mother earth and to our own beautiful temple, our body that is a conduit for spirit that resides within us.

Our future generation will thank us for taking this time to improve how we do our work and how we look after ourselves. Change can have its challenges but in those challenges comes a newness and a fresh look to our lives and our future.

Can we respect our own body, mind, heart and our soul in loving ways taking care of our health in these areas for a better life?

Can we respect our beautiful mother earth and love her for all she gifts us?

Can we respect and love our spiritual selves for a more harmonious and balanced life?

Let’s be of greater service to ourselves, to mother earth, to spirit and to others without the need to be discriminating to bring our lives less anxiety and worry for this will have a beautiful effect on the lives of our loved ones and friends.

Where will you start to make changes in your life?

Re-awaken your crystalline structure and your multi-dimensional DNA with the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, and Kryon:

Ease any anxiety and lower energies you may be feeling with a beautiful Reiki energy healing with me:

‘You do not have here on Earth what they ate, but in Lemuria you had the healthy consciousness that was applied to your own systems.’ ~ Excerpt from Kryon channelling from the book ‘The Women of Lemuria, Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times.

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