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Virgo Moon

Virgo Moon

Our body, our health and our work will be in focus as we are in the heightened Full Moon energies, check here for the time in your city There is change on the earthly planes and we may have a little wakeup call in the areas of our body and health, and our working life.

As the Moon shines a light on what is ready to be changed in our lives and the Sun is coming to the final degrees of Pisces bringing us intuitive knowing of what we feel is right for us, take care of over thinking and worry, the universe knows what is right for us so having faith and trust in the process will definitely be helpful.

Our body is our physical temple and we may be taking a look at how we care for and honour our body. Can we improve our health and body in any way? Am I honouring my body and focusing on the love of self?

Having our own sacred space where we connect to spirit is a wonderful way of honouring the self, respecting our own sacred vessel and having a balance of our spiritual life and our work life will be of benefit. As we have a sense of serving ourselves we can then have our own cup full which in turn offers a balance to then be of service to others without having to burn our bodies and mind out continually being of service to others.

We may feel we are not perfect and that is ok as nothing is perfect, and do watch for being hypercritical of ourselves and of others. We are our own work in progress and allowing the space and love of ourselves we can work in fulfilling anything we take on with dedication and practice.

Are you feeling anxious or worrying a lot and feel like a change? Reach out and you can be in a loving accepting space that brings calmness and relieves stress with Reiki. Contact me for your appointment and make a change for you

‘Loving yourself isn’t vanity. It’s sanity.’ ~ Katrina Mayer

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