Virgo Moon
Gift our body the love and healing energies of the Earth and nourish our sacred vessel with high vibrational foods to support us as we are a conduit for spirit to work through us. Accepting ourselves as a priestess/priest of the earth here in physical form we can adapt to our changing life and world as we connect to our earthly life and be respectful of our sacred space and vessel.
Creating safe and strong boundaries for ourselves we allow our relationships to have an understanding that we are important and we teach others to respect our space and time, to love and cherish who we are.
Now is a perfect time over the next couple of days to take stock of how we care for ourselves and how we are being of service to ourselves and how we care for those around us, maybe there is a need to find a balance in our lives if we are being a servant for others more than we actually need to be.
Our health, our work and our organisation of our life will be a priority and taking a look at where we can improve in these areas now will be of great benefit. Don’t let the need for being perfect in any way interfere with the love for ourselves and our life as nothing is perfect.
Take care of our mental health as our mind may try to overpower our hearts, and a helpful way to release the hold on our mind is to catch ourselves with any thoughts that keep sabotaging our life and to change that thought and using our imagination to visualise an image and thoughts of something that we feel a sense of wonder and awe, when we do this repeatedly our neural pathways are re-programed.
Another wonderful way is to receive energy healing to allow the energy connected to the thought to be dissolved at the root cause. Do get in touch with me for a beautiful Reiki energy healing.
‘Your mind, emotions and body are instruments and the way you align and attune them determines how well you play life.’ ~ Harbhajan Singh Yogi
