Virgo New Moon
In honouring our beautiful Mother Earth and respecting her and her body, her sacred vessel connect with her and invite her abundance of healing energy into our body, our sacred vessel as we feel the need to slow down in the days leading into the darkness of the New Moon.
As we come to our honouring and acceptance of who we are as spiritual beings here on our beautiful Gaia, opposing forces in releasing our karmic ways and opening to letting go of any past lingering issues may show us what we no longer need as we intuit the end of a cycle.
Any unsaid communication in our past misunderstandings in our relationships can have the potential for opening up in order for change in our physical lives as we let go of over-controlling ways and take into consideration any details we may have missed as we go over what is correct and what is not.
Connect to our inner landscape as we honour our sacred vessel as a conduit for spirit for our abundance and growth come from our inner being as we re-discover who we are and re-define our self-worth in service and soul growth.
In the darkness of the Moon contrasting between our mind and thoughts and our inner world move into the dance of these opposing forces to assist in our hearts knowing of higher love and our compassionate loving true spiritual nature to guide us into our dreams and out of the illusions.
For the destruction of our past discriminating ways takes us into a deep transformation from darkness to light opening a doorway to our future in unexpected ways changing the very moment in time as we move from victimhood and cynicism to victor creating a loving balance in our lives and on our beautiful Mother Earth.
Live in the sacredness of fulfilling our potential in service to ourselves and to humanity in respectful and honouring ways.
I invite you to honour and respect you and your sacred vessel in circle this Dark/New Moon together in sisterhood.
In person Women’s Red Tent Circle Dark Moon in Virgo:
Online Women’s Red Tent Circle New Moon in Virgo:
Awaken your Akashic memory with these special Lemurian Activation Code Cards encoded with the original Code Activations by the Pleiadians long ago:
Enter into the sacredness of the Pleiadian Teachings in the Shamanic Teaching Wheel with Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, Pleiadian Star Mothers & Kryon:
‘Keep reaching for our hands because we are there to hold it. Keep reaching from your heart to our hearts. Keep listening to the music of Creation. As some have said, the music of the songline of Lemuria. It is with you now.’ ~ Excerpt from Pleiadian Star Mothers’ channellng through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, August New Moon Portal to the Star Mothers, August 14, 2020.
