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We are Learning to Love Again


With Love Month here there is a sense of Love in the air and as I write this the clock shows 2:22pm bringing awareness of duality and free choice, often with a fear of change as Kryon explains which is tripled to the number 6 bringing in the frequencies of harmony, sacredness, communications, love and balance and relates to the higher self:

Through the years Love has many meanings and connections to it, some beautiful and some that are stemmed in beliefs that are not from the true essence of Love for our upbringing and past experiences has shaped our view on Love and in that matter relationships and how we see them.

I know my experience of Love in my upbringing has been distorted and has shaped my life up until this very moment and as I learn to Love and respect myself and free the distortions of the past my perception of Love holds a completely new meaning.

We are moving through great times of change guiding us to open to Love for the choice is our own and we have free will to bring this change into our lives.

For in truth Love is within us all and stems from the Love of God that has been forgotten and we are learning to Love ourselves again knowing we are a part of the essence of God and letting go of the old distortions to allow Love to shine brightly in us all.

Through this month of Love take some time for your own Love and open to the possibilities of free choice to Love you again, to Love you heart, to work on opening your heart for only then will Love exist in it's truest form.

All my Love, Lisa ❤

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