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Aries Moon


Aries Moon

Our honesty and authenticity assists us through these changes as our inspirations light up our hearts leading to deep transformation of our shadows allowing them to come out from being hidden to see them with love for when we acknowledge our shadows they have less control over us.

As we are beginning to see things for what they really are in our reality we have the opportunity to find more clarity now for illusions may have been shrouding our visions. In our assertiveness to take action in our lives from our inner spark and knowingness of what is right for our independence, communicate with others in loving and nurturing ways as our dreams and self direction is strong.

There may be some feeling of fear of paving a new path ahead and just as the ram puts his head down and pushes through it is now time to face our fears and instinctually make some new changes for our feminine essence to love who we are and our true divine feminine powerful abilities.

Our soul is guiding us to our home and where we feel most comfortable and accepted within ourselves, with our soul family and our blood family and as we may feel and be challenged to find where that is feel into how we are feeling in our hearts to direct us in our quest of our lives.

Let any self-absorbed and headstrong ways go as we take the competitiveness out of the equation opening our hearts and finding the joy and playfulness of our lives as we explore into the vastness of the possibilities to start something new.

Delve deep into ShaWomen’s wisdom and re-awaken your Lemurian Akash with the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf & Kryon:

A beautiful journey of transformational growth through the 12 Foundational Blocks Course in preparation of the Shamanic Teaching Wheel:

Bring a loving balance for your mind, body, heart and soul with the beautiful Reiki energy healing

‘You are awakening with the Nodes and the Nulls, and the Pleiadian Mothers’ return. You are awakening to feelings and things that you didn’t think you’d understand. There’s much to know and to remember, dear Lemurian.’ ~Kryon live channelling ‘The Teaching Circle’ given in the Big Island, Hawaii – December 20, 2017.

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