Aries Moon
With the expansiveness and bulging powerful energy of the Moon for the next few days your inner drive encourages your authentic nature to rise in the midst of feeling some degrees of confusion and fogginess. As your inspirations reside in your heart feel into the depths of them now for your self-directed enthusiasm encourages you to transcend your fears and move forward paving newness in your circle of creation.
Old ways are transforming as the depths of deep hidden emotions surface asking for you to uphold your truth as you take right action in any injustice to be seen and heard. Uncertainties may be preyed upon by others in manipulative and seductive ways and communications may have strong passionate drive behind them so be mindful to trust in your own inner intuitive power to be in your heart through any interaction.
With your wisdom you have gained through your wounded heart and your experiences that have helped you grow and trust in higher powers your honesty in who you are takes on a new lease of life leading and directing you to assert your independence. Have an awareness of headstrong clashes as they show a sign of not being heart centred and loving of the self.
Honour the true divine feminine goddess you are and assert your beautiful compassionate loving qualities as you stay curious through deep transformative changes opening the way for a balanced existence in the New Lemuria.
I invite you into our next Women’s Circle opening to the Full Moon Magic as Taurus Partial Lunar Eclipse moves through our skies: Online Circle:
In Person Circle:
A one day live gathering to embrace your transformation at the 11/11 A Time of Sacred Expansion with Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, the wisdom from the Pleiadian Star Mothers as we bring love in sisterhood:
In Lemuria we lived by the Moon, Stars and the Sun we are remembering to live this way again, find out more how and why we can harmonise with our beautiful Moon:
“Be joyous in joy. Celebrate your strength. Shine the light on the part of you that is afraid of knowing more about your strengths. You may feel that you are going against the grain, against the teachings of your parents or your spiritual community who have indoctrinated you into believing you are “less than.” There is not a human on the Earth that is “less than.” We are the parents of so many of you and the great, great, great, great, great, great. There are a lot of generations in 50,000 years. And ther has never been a “less than” human.” Excerpt from October Full Moon Lemurian Lunation, October 1st, 2020 Star Mothers channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf.
