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Cancer Moon


Cancer Moon

Over the next few days feeling at home and comfortable in our environment and having that sense of belonging and feeling like a part of a family is a strong need for us now. Our own needs require the space to nurture and love our soul as our responsibility for our emotional maturity helps us to overcome our insecurities.

As we move through the Balsamic Moon phase just before we head into the inward journey of the Dark Moon this is a beautiful time to surrender, to let go and bring healing and soothing to the pains and conditioning of the past for our soul knows what is ready for release now.

Trust in our souls knowing, as the growth of our soul has grown with the understanding of any emotional abuse we may have experienced giving the gift of our own self responsibility for our emotional reactions in our relationships.

There may be feelings of not belonging through our upbringing this may still be affecting us in some way to this very day and our inner child needs to be loved and nurtured and as our emotional healing from our childhood is acknowledge and nurtured this creates the sense of belonging for our inner child.

Our soul is guided in our receptive feelings and our psychic knowing as our steady efforts in applying our connection and commitment to our authentic service promotes stable growth for our security. We are gifted with the drive and passion to help keep our eye on the details as any fear of moving out of our comfort zone is lessoned when we follow our innate intuitive feelings.

Be gentle through any opposing forces of feeling responsible for others needs and emotional reactions as shadows of the past come to transform our relationships and to accept and integrate our shadows into the light.

Nurture your soul needs as we gather in circle and honour our feminine connection with the Moon:

Online Women’s Red Tent Circle New Moon in Leo:

In Person Dark Moon Women’s Red Tent Circle in Leo:

Discover more from the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and Kryon on harmonising with our beautiful Moon:

Allow the love of Reiki to merge with your own body’s innate intelligence:

‘Women are soft, gentle, compassionate givers of life. They teach the children and care for the masculine and feminine future leaders of the planet. They are the current wise Shamans of the future. That’s who you are, that’s who you are as women, and they knew it. The men of Lemuria knew it.’ ~ Excerpt of Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona – January 16, 2016.

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