Capricorn Moon
As you sit in the presence of Mother Earth’s beauty allow her loving heart the embrace of your heart connecting together as you relax into the knowing she is here for you to live abundantly, honour and respect her natural resources and her presence grounding your footings as you allow your strengths to grow believing in your divine feminine sacredness and your beautiful gifts and talents to support you and others, continuing the journey feel into your inner knowing as you take practical steps building on the foundations you are creating for your security, direct and manage your resources honouring and giving respect for the richness and the wealth of ancient traditions that have stood the test of time embracing the love the Star Mothers so lovingly hold for you, examine and let go of old belief systems and old outworn ways of being allowing emotional wounds and unresolved issues of the past to surface embracing the uncomfortable and challenging times valuing your vulnerability connect with and love your resilience and inner strength embodying your truth and intuitive knowing open to the presence of synchronicities and signs from spirit as you confidently break free of fears asserting your independence radiating unconditional love for yourself with contentment for your forward path finding a balance within and without encompassing both the light and the dark in your experiences embrace the blessings for abundant expansion and joyful growth.
In the presence of incoming challenges your commitment to your dreams are tested as you hold love in your heart have compassion for yourself and others through the shifts honouring your uniqueness and individuality as you foster the strengths of holding true to your inner desires for your own needs and innate sacred feminine empowerment considering the effects of your relationships and the needs of others open to compromise for fairness and harmony allowing the blend of balance softening the noise as you take a considerate approach for communicating with consideration for both side of any concerns finding the middle ground in your encounters of emotional sensitivities slow down checking in on carefully orientating any sense of protection and over reactive emotions allowing the flow of your dreams and love connection to your spiritual essence without sweeping past childhood wounds and issues under the rug and being indecisive in any action needed embrace the gifts of the healing arts as you transform your wounds into wisdom nurturing your emotional sensitivity and developing a responsible spiritual practice for your well-being as you confidently stay true to your personal empowerment.
As the depths of intense passions and desires flow deeply in your relationships connect to your true values and self-worth embracing your truth as you take a dive into the unconscious and deep emotional dynamics discovering the undercurrents of any controlling limitations deeply imbedded, flow with balancing love and honesty accepting the expressions from within as you respect your deepest fears and vulnerabilities for your need to be seen and loved for who you truly are redefining and liberating yourself and your sense of freedom as you embrace and align with what feels dear to your heart allowing your unique skills the exploration for your ambitions to grow, take a step back as you rethink your relationship with the beliefs you have been attached to and question the true meaning of your quest in your spiritual journey allowing the end of the karmic lessons and past oppressive rules, restrictions and punishing ways to transform your inner sense of authority embracing your understanding of the past abuse of power struggles and control into you own self-mastery as you embody the love of the creator within deeply connecting with your true divinity and your courage to lead with authenticity and professionalism.
Feel a sense of loving balance in your mind, body, heart and soul with the love of Reiki: book your appointment with me here:
Embrace the ancient teachings of a ShaWoman honoured and respected in Lemuria with the loving presence of the Pleiadian Star Mothers guiding you in your Akashic remembrance for the New Lemuria:
Honour the sacredness of the feminine at Full Moon in Aries in the loving sanctuary of the Women’s Circle:
Online Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle in Aries:
In Person Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle in Aries:
“We came to this planet to bring divinity. One of the main reasons we came to this particular solar system was because this Earth has that beautiful Moon. We watched her. We watched her path. We watched the things that happened on the Earth as she went through her cycle. We watched the humans, the women who responded to her cycle, and we said, “Yes, this is the perfect place for the New Lemuria.” We bring that to you now, a little history, so that as you begin your connection with your Lemurian Akash, this waking up of what it was like to be in Lemuria, to live in Lemuria, to live as Divine, that is what is available to you now.” ~ Excerpt from Star Mothers channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, December Full Moon Lemurian Lunation, December 30th, 2020.
