Embracing Growth and Authenticity.
Allow yourself to sit in the gentleness and nurturing of the Great Mother’s healing and regenerating love feeling the gift of her presence as you ponder and reflect on the past, feel her love deep in your heart as you honour and respect her wisdom to guide you. Love and value your gifts and talents you bring embracing and believing in yourself as you continue growing and exploring your full potential respecting the gifts of your sacred feminine sensitivity through the unknown, connect with the higher frequencies of love aligning with you and your path, for the challenges and tests emerge supporting your journey to deepen into your true authentic self and courageousness and trusting in your individuality and fearlessness for your passions leading you shifting any limitations of separation and dissolving past karmic bonds in mysterious ways. Lean into the flexibility of flowing with the mystical while your feet are planted securely on the ground gathering the richness of imaginative dreams and insights as you integrate them into your daily life with discipline and respect building on your ambitions with purposeful and practical steps honouring the resources and teams of loving supportive souls you have to assist you organising the structures to make life better for fruitful growth in the midst of tensions, indecisions and lack of understanding.
Healing Emotional Wounds and Discovering Truth.
Generate and adapt to any conflicting punishing and dominating surges of unexpressed anger and deep inner destructive desires resolving and integrating any fear, domination, attachments to old oppressive ways and demanding workloads and unconsciously sabotaging relationships projecting your insecurities onto others considering where and why you fear commitment. Open to acclimatising to the love you hold deep in your heart finding the joy and pleasure in expressing your hearts true desires and your passions to lead with confidence and courage keeping a check on egoic and dictatorial demands, father issues and strains on constructs of time. Honour your emotional well-being nurturing your feelings inviting the Star Mother’s love to envelop you as past childhood wounds, beliefs and unresolved issues challenge the depths of pains and hurts shut away and repressed, embrace the vulnerability in the uncomfortable encouraging valuable self-discovery through healing and mending your soul with unconditional love upending the many questions to seek the truth reuniting with the knowledge and wisdom of ethical philosophical truths of who you are and the realness of the many forms of misinformation and trickery presented on the earthly plane.
Balancing Sacred Energies and Transforming Relationships.
Connect into the beauty of balancing your sacred feminine and your sacred masculine essence into your heart trusting in the higher plan navigating you and your journey of profound inward and outward change loving your true worth believing in yourself, your beauty and the value of commitment to loyal and trustworthy relationships structured in maturity appreciating the depths of endurance and willingness to honour the rewards of putting in the hard work to keep the love alive, open to honesty and heartfelt unconditional love processing the winds of change through death and rebirth of the cycles transforming your visions with powerful breakthroughs for the evolution of humanity finding balance in respecting your spirited loving generous courageous heart expressing your playful vivacious light with humility respecting the ancient traditions built on love disciplining you conserving and valuing your committed growth.
“Magnetism is one of the things in standard physics that allows constant change as a norm. It always begs to be changed and balanced. Magnetics are created within the relationship between the parts of atomic mechanics. Atoms with too many electrons are always trying to connect with those with too few. So you might say that atomic structure itself is always “seeking balance.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling “The Teaching Circle” given in the Big Island, Hawaii – December 20, 2017.
Discover the love within you and connect with me here: https://www.lisaclarke.com.au/
Honour the wisdom of the Pleiadian Star Mothers in the remembrance of your ShaWoman sacredness: https://bit.ly/LemurianShananicTeachingWheel
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