Igniting Inner Balance and Transformational Love.
Allow the light of your soul to shine and ignite the sacred feminine and sacred masculine energies within you shimmering under the one umbrella, feel in your heart the embrace of balance and joy as your inner landscape is ignited into the flame of love. Explore any imbalances interplaying with the rational mind and your spiritual essence honing in on which one you may tend to deny as deep emotional encounters draw transformational responses from the depths of your psyche bound in the repressed parts of your inner world. Adapt with childlike curiosity to any change in unfamiliar territory opening to new possibilities and information incoming, gaining greater awareness of who you are now honouring your souls urge to lead with your uniqueness shining forth surrendering to the higher forces of love, offer forgiveness with deep gratitude as you let go of old beliefs and buried self-sabotaging compulsive addictive tendencies that were kept in the dark. Usher in your diverse nature as you appreciate communicating effectively and confidently with others being mindful of boasting and storytelling with immaturity and blowing things out of proportion, strive for a higher sense of self-worth honouring your intelligence igniting your passions with your hearts desires instead of feeling bored and starving yourself of knowledge, speak your truth with integrity and honesty.
Embracing Sacred Individuality and Harmonising Relationships.
Take a loving break from the busyness and go off into the woods grounding yourself as you spend time convening with spirits deep wisdom honouring your inspired dreams trusting the answers and insights for your inspirations and plans to become real as challenges provoke serious questions and conversations to tangibly set them on a fruitful stable path amidst discovering and adapting to a greater understanding of the efforts needed in long term commitments in your inspired dreams and soundly maintaining balanced long-lasting love and romance, harness the deep beauty of your sacred feminine individuality as the importance of honouring your own inner desires are significant and unique to you, consider harmonising and negotiating with the needs of your partners inner desires creating space for more balance and fairness in your relationships, from a heart centred space unapologetically give voice to your truth as you let go of judgments of yourself and others accepting the dual nature of everyone as challenges bring clarity of the mirrors you see in others are a part of you, lifting the haze of illusions with greater understanding of the oneness we are living together resolving the struggles of past power and control issues and deep unconscious conditioning integrating with the truth of your soul’s true essence.
“Negative and scary things will be reported on your news and you’ll say, “See? We’re not going to make it!” This is without you understanding that the new paradigm is starting to show itself. Massive change is upon you in ways you didn’t think could be, including the catalyst that is here which we have called a Wild Card [Trump]. He is putting a stick into everything you cherished and stirring it vigorously! That’s the only way things can change. The status quo must be stirred up. Some of it must even be broken apart.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling “The Teaching Circle, Continued” given in the Big Island, Hawaii – December 22, 2017.
Embrace the change with love here: https://www.lisaclarke.com.au/
Honour the sacred relationship with you: find out how here: https://bit.ly/LemurianSacredRelationships
#gemini #twins #air #mercury #change #sacredfeminine #sacredmasculine #lighthearted #fun #curious #mutable #network #information #intellect #social #mind #unreliable #fickle #gossip #judgmental #shallow #hypercritical #womensredtentcircles #reiki #lemuriansisterhoodglobal #thenewlemuria #pleiadian #starmothers #dragonsofmu #kryon
