Libra Moon
A feeling of tiredness could be happening as the moon wanes and the planets bring in some tense energies. Bring your head into your heart and allow your soul to guide you in your souls loving presence now. Find the peace as you surrender to the divine plan for all is as it is meant to be.
Beautify the love you have for you, brighten your day with surrounding yourself with nature’s beauty, buy some flowers for yourself, bring love into your life and know you are worth it. For the love we gift ourselves and appreciate who we are we can be at peace in our own body and be less judgmental about ourselves and in turn be the same to others.
Our responsibility for our own relationship with ourselves is I believe the most important thing we can do, for when we allow others the responsibility for our own lives we give our own power away to them. In relationships there is a give and take and when this is not working in a balanced way the relationship struggles.
Keeping the peace and not making waves, or sweeping things under the carpet because we are not loving ourselves in a way that we can be strong and voice what needs to be said the relationship with ourselves suffer and also our relationship with others. Any communication is best with non-violence to strive for finding a happy mean to live in harmony and happiness.
Listen to your feelings and your needs and voice them as shutting them down will only result in resentment of the other and in return will only bring you inner dis-ease and emotional suffering. This may show up in your body as urinary, kidney, reproductive and adrenal issues.
Ask yourself,’ Do I love myself enough to be responsible for my own wellbeing and have strong boundaries in my relationships?’
Find the love within you in my work. Find out more here:
‘Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.’ ~ Robert Holden
