Sagittarius New Moon
As you find your patience and slow your pace merge into alignment with Grandmother Moon as she moves into her releasing and healing phase giving you the space to feel into your intuitive knowing trusting in your higher wisdom just before she lets go of the old and makes her way into the newness that abounds at New Moon, find the time in your time zone here:
In the acceptance of any self-criticism and unhealthy insecurities open your heart to your truth and be the empowered divine goddess you are here to be in challenges that surface allowing you to free yourself of the minds lower patterning creating a stronger passion for your mystical nature to ground into your reality.
Feel into your eternal spark that is strong within your heart and driving your joyous and adventurous side as you raise your awareness of childhood wounds that have led you to heal and move from those old beliefs for there is so much to explore and discover as you study and envision where you are headed although be contemplative as others may not be on the same page as you are and feel their comforts being fought with so take care of fiery words that may be spoken.
With Grandmother Moon’s newness now opening up point your arrow of truth towards the direction that speaks to your heart and plant your seeds trusting in higher wisdom where knowledge and teaching lead you forward on your quest and as you do take into deliberation any encounters and cloudiness the universe brings your way taking a thoughtful pause to place trust in the process being offered from the higher powers as you are patient in the divine timing for your dreams and visions to come into play.
In the quest for freedoms I invite you to sit together in sisterhood at this beautiful New Moon in Sagittarius: Online Women’s Red Tent Circle:
In person Women’s Red Tent Circle:
The Pleiadian Star Mothers come to teach ancient wisdom the ShaWoman’s way for the New Lemuria to emerge: find out more here:
Respect and honour your divine temple with the love Reiki gifts your entire being:
In person Reiki Energy Healing:
Online Reiki Energy Healing:
“Let me give you the process and it may sound familiar to some of the things you might be doing today. Here’s the definition of junk: Akashic junk is anything that keeps you from seeing your magnificence – anything. Frustration, fears, inappropriate thoughts, lack of faith, lack of trust, unworthiness – it’s all junk. Layer on layer are things that you have actually experienced, and it’s huge – enormous. However, I want to tell you that it doesn’t hold a candle to the pure information that you were given by the Star Mothers and, to this day, all that purity wants to come forward and allow you to understand who you are.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota – July 22, 2017.