Scorpio Moon
Into the deepest darkest caverns of your soul there are hidden gems that wish to be freed from the darkness. The hidden parts of your soul know the power of your psyche so have trust and faith in the process as you release any fear and allow it to disperse into the deep waters washing it away.
As you allow the release to take place you may feel and experience some painful emotional moments, flow into the moment as all falsehoods and illusions are being dissolved setting you free as you gracefully come to the surface to see the light.
Any inner destroyers that stand in your way of your praise and keep you small and keep you from the opportunities that are in your heart and soul can now be dealt with as they challenge you now. Your true power lies within you free of the distortions of your unconscious beliefs and limiting behaviours.
Transformation of our earthly structures in our material life can bring changes now that take us into a regenerative state for our life, our earth and her resources to rebuild without corruptive means and trusting in our connection to spirit grounds our dreams and fantasies the ability to flow into reality now with ease.
Feel deeply now into your truth, into your heart and soul and feel the power of infinite love that resides there for this is where you will find true power.
Do you feel a connection to Lemuria, or the Pleiadians or the Star Mothers, maybe you have a calling as a ShaWoman to assist in awakening the New Lemuria for humanity. I invite you to take a look and feel into this sacred teaching for it may just be for you beautiful soul:
Bring the power of your inner self into balance in this beautiful Star Centre Meditation:
‘A heart full of love and compassion is the main source of inner strength, willpower, happiness and mental tranquillity.’ ~ Dalai Lama
