Scorpio Moon
As the Moon is bringing her power of growth and creation energy over the next couple of days in Scorpio feel into the love in our hearts and allow the light to continue to radiate out into our lives as we trust in our truth and our power of our spiritual light to merge and integrate our deeper disowned aspects we may have hidden in our unconscious and embrace them in love now.
In the depths of our heart and in connecting with our true feelings our relationships are challenged as any long held immoral beliefs and traditions that no longer sustain and support our creations from a place of integrity, love and from our truth have the power to transform our lives piercing any falsehoods, illusions and delusions to set us free.
Emotions may run deep as intensity and opposing forces in our feelings are asking us to embrace our truth of who we are as spiritual beings having a human experience and honouring our feelings as our passions that are burning in our hearts are driving us to our true path.
Open to the gifts of feeling and connecting to the power of our inner guidance and trust our psychic perceptions as they are there for our innate knowing as we communicate our words with our intelligence with others honouring our service to humanity.
Staying true to our values, our self-worth and loving our deeper darker aspects of the divine feminine, our power of the divine feminine may be challenged as external power dynamics may show up through seeking revenge and gaining power over another or using sexual manipulation and seduction to avoid feeling powerless.
As our dreams are a loving force for creating and building our foundations for our future we may face changes in our foundations on which we have built our lives in the past with our finances and our values as we open up to our feelings of our truth.
Discover Pleiadian teachings for the New Consciousness as we shift into the loving power of the Divine Feminine as ShaWomen on our Earth today:
With the gentle yet powerful love of Reiki bring your entire being into balance: book your appointment here:
‘The senior women were seen almost as Gods because they had been in the Lemurian Sisterhood the longest. It was also because they had communicated with Spirit and guided the men for so long to the fish.’ ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Toronto, Canada – February 13, 2016.
