Scorpio Moon
Connecting to our psychic powers as we merge into our deepest feelings honour our feminine powers as we trust in the signs and messages we are receiving. Don’t discount our true feelings for they serve us to our highest as we find our stability in our spiritual mastery grounding into our existence our authentic service to ourselves and to humanity.
Emotions may surface as challenges arise piercing any illusions and falsehoods that have been destructive on an unconscious level holding us back from our loving nature and shining our light of who we truly are. Honour and value this gift as transformations release the past through an initiation that could be painful but so very healing.
Respect our sacred vessel and our sacred service as we generate and create with the power of the divine feminine transforming our lives in loving powerful ways as through our hidden powers we rise from the ashes and awaken our kundalini.
The power is within and as we allow this power to evolve the powers outside ourselves become less manipulative and controlling. As opposing forces of intensity and drama seek power over fear of not being in control unattach from the dramas as changes in unexpected ways encourage us to move forward in our physical lives with our values and our truth in our hearts to create our life of abundance on our Earthly plane.
Relax as we invite the Pleiadian Star Mothers to assist in this beautiful Star Centre Meditation awakening your DNA: book here
Invite the loving Universal energy of Reiki to relax and bring balance to your mind, heart, body and soul as it merges with your own body’s innate intelligence:
In person Reiki Treatment:
Online Reiki Treatment:
Join together with Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, Pleiadian Star Mothers & Kryon and the sisters of the Lemurian Sisterhood in this celebration of the Equinox:
‘If I could take you into the future, you would see a number of generations go by, and something that no one expected: A special group of Human Beings who think differently. Civilization will see them as the wise ones. I speak now of what happened on the planets of the Pleiadians, an dht eons before them. It’s the way evolution works. Not all evolve at the same time. The “starters” evolve first (the Lemurians, on the Earth). Those wise ones will be welcomed and seen as forerunners to the future.’ ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling “The Task of the New Lemurian” given during the Hawaii Cruise – August 15, 2012.
